Phases is a cloud-based platform enables Special Education Institutes and day care centers to manage the core operations and connect that centers with students’ family effectively in a way that will really lead to higher performance of education for people with disabilities.

Phases offers a variety of integrated applications that want to make the easiest collaboration between educators, therapists, and parents to provide the children with the help they are needed.

We seek to serve the educational community and providing flexible and effective solutions for institutions that provide educational services for people with disabilities with integrated tools and best practices that support educational designs.


Phases will be pioneered in the field of applications for people with disabilities.​​


Managing technical services with integrated tools and smart applications to provide flexible and effective solutions for institutions for people with disabilities and kindergartens.​


- Continuous quality and development.
- Effective cooperation and communication.
- Sustainable technical information.


1. Improving the quality of education and care: we aim to improve the quality of education provided to people with disabilities by activating comprehensive and integrated methodological phases.
2. Enhancing communication and cooperation: we seek to enhance communication and cooperation between educational centers and parents, to achieve an effective and integrated educational experience.
3. Building strategic partnerships: we are keen to build strategic partnerships with educational centers, relevant parties, and academic institutions, to exchange experiences and resources.